Abstract: The main aim of this report is to compare educational attainment of Army children compared to non-Army children. To do this, the report consists of the finding of 3 research studies project A, B and C. Project A consisted of a survey conducted on an equal number of Army and non-Army children in years 10 & 11. Project B consisted of an online survey completed by Army parents and Project C, consisted of an online survey completed by teachers, teaching and supporting Army children in school. A number of recommendations are made which focus on educational experience, meeting potential, repeating material, specialised support and activities and special educational needs.
Abstract: A better understanding of the weaknesses and strengths of the military’s racial grievance reporting and redress system is needed to understand where and how it can be improved to encourage racial grievance reporting, facilitate timely and effective responses, and promote a more inclusive environment to better support the careers, satisfaction, and well-being of minority service members. The authors identified gaps, ambiguities, inconsistencies, and reported problems in the military racial grievance system through an examination of policies and structures and offered recommendations to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion in the armed forces.