Research Community

These pages provide a 'who's who' of UK research centres and researchers conducting research with Serving and ex-Service personnel and their families, including detail of their specific areas of focus and expertise. The purpose of these pages is to connect researchers with shared interests and orientate service providers and policy makers to who is doing research in key areas of interest. If you would like your information added to this page please email [email protected]

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  • Philip Dent

    Winchester, United Kingdom

    Philip Dent is the Director of the Service Children's Progression (SCiP) Alliance and has worked for two decades in education, as a teacher and leader of whole-school programmes for disadvantaged groups. He led a regional further and higher education partnership and as a Chief Executive of The Progression Trust, he conducted research, development and training on whole-person approaches to progression for children, young people and adults in the UK and Australia. Additionally, he was an adviser to the Office for Fair Access on national research policy and strategy. Philip also co-founded the National Network for the Education of Care Leavers, now an independent charity. He has a Masters in Research and is particularly interested in intrinsic personal factors impacting on progression through the life-course.


    • University of Winchester, SCiP Alliance