Comparative study of common mental health disorders in the Veteran and non-Veteran populations

This study builds on previous work done in the Centre, such as the NHS England funded Finding the Forgotten (FTF) pilot study which worked with 4 practices across Lancashire in 2018 (Finnegan et al, 2018), and the Forces in Mind Trust (FiMT) funded Where Are All the Veterans (WAATV) study which increased veteran registration in 12 PHC practices in Cheshire, whilst also interrogating PHC records to identify the levels of common mental health (MH) disorders in military Veterans (Finnegan & Randles, 2022).


This study aims to compare the prevalence of mental and physical health disorders in veterans and non-veterans. Diagnoses to be compared are Common Mental Health disorders (depression, anxiety, alcohol misuse, substance misuse) plus suicide, self-harm, PTSD, and dementia. Physical health diagnoses include diabetes, hypertension and smoking. This study also aims to identify and analyse the demographic trends between the two groups.


Practices will complete a search of their medical records and identify those with a code for “Military Veteran.” Then they will match the demographics of their veterans with a civilian population. We will compare the clinical data from veteran and non-veteran populations, and this will tell us whether the mental health services that are currently available meet the needs of veterans. Ultimately this will identify gaps in healthcare provision and result in improved services.

Sample / Participants

The researchers are partnering with 13 PHC (Primary Heath Care) practices, many of whom were involved in the previous PHC projects, as they have significantly more registered Veterans than the estimated national average and are ideal sites to undertake a comparison study with a non-Veteran sample.