Leveraging a clinical dashboard and process mappings to improve treatment access and outcomes for women Veterans with urinary incontinence

Abstract: In support of the Improving Primary Care Understanding of Resources and Screening for Urinary Incontinence to Enhance Treatment initiative with the Veterans Health Administration, we developed a clinical dashboard to support primary care providers in identifying underdiagnosed, undertreated women Veterans with urinary incontinence. This paper describes our dashboard development and evaluation. We employed a user-centered design in determining dashboard requirements, interface design, and functionality. We invited early users at three pilot sites to formal usability reviews. We quantified the dashboard usability using the System Usability Scale and administered surveys and interviews for insights on performance. We employed process maps to uncover processes of end-users' dashboard engagements within local environments. User evaluations demonstrated the dashboard as a helpful instrument in identifying women Veterans with good to excellent usability performance. User feedback offers a user-driven pathway to develop our dashboard that supports clinicians to better care for women Veterans with urinary incontinence.

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