Abstract: Background: Previous studies of pregnant veterans enrolled in Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) care reveal high rates of cesarean sections among racial/ethnic minoritized groups, particularly in southern states. The purpose of this study was to better understand contributors to and veteran perceptions of maternal autonomy and racism among veterans receiving cesarean sections. Methods: We conducted semi-structured interviews to understand perceptions of maternal autonomy and racism among 27 Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) veterans who gave birth via cesarean section using VA maternity care benefits. Results: Our study found that a substantial proportion (67%) of veterans had previous cesarean sections, ultimately placing them at risk for subsequent cesarean sections. More than 60% of veterans with a previous cesarean section requested a labor after cesarean (LAC) but were either refused by their provider or experienced complications that led to another cesarean section. Qualitative findings revealed the following: (1) differences in treatment by veterans' race/ethnicity may reduce maternal agency, (2) many veterans felt unheard and uninformed regarding birthing decisions, (3) access to VA-paid doula care may improve maternal agency for BIPOC veterans during labor and birth, and (4) BIPOC veterans face substantial challenges related to social determinants of health. Conclusion: Further research should examine veterans' perceptions of racism in obstetrical care, and the possibility of VA-financed doula care to provide additional labor support to BIPOC veterans.